Sunday, May 8, 2011

Goodbye India, Hello Minnesota

This is a post that I have mixed feelings about writing. India has become apart of me but Minnesota is waiting for me to come home. How can I choose between my homes? I never thought that India will become home quickly, I walk down the street without hearing the honking or seeing the birds. I have settled into a routine here, now my routine will be changed once again. I'm leaving people that I cherish but returning to people I cherish. It feels strange that two such radically different places are now my home.
I have done a lot of things over the last few days in Kolkata. I hung out with my friends and slept over. Last minute shopping was done. Packing took a while. My suitcases are huge plus I had to buy another one. I said my suitcase is 11 months pregnant and ready to burst. It has certainly grew from the one that I packed in the beginning.
Yesterday, I went to get mehindi. Mehindi is what we call henna but henna is not the proper term. Oh my, it is beautiful and I will have to post pictures later. I had to get it before leaving India. I couldn't go to India without having it at least once and I'm happy. My hands have become works of art.
I will write again. I want to share some more things to expect about India when I get home. I want to enjoy my last day here! Here I come Minnesota, you better be ready for me....

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