Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hey everyone! I haven't written for awhile so I thought I would today. Last week, I went on a five day trip to the Jungle and the Himalayas. Friday, we took an aeroplane to a city and then a few hour jeep ride to Chilapata Jungle camp. We got there late in the day. So, it was a surprise the next day when we woke up at what surronded us. It was a breathtaking sight even though we had to be up at 6 am to take our jungle safari. The safari was amazing! We saw some herds of elephants, birds and rhinos. I enjoyed every minute of it. We headed back after a few hours for some breakfast. Then after breakfast, the group split up. I ended up deciding to go birdwatching. We didn't see many birds but the walk through the jungle was surely worth it! After that, we took a drive to a river and chilled for a few minutes. It was getting close to our evening safari. We ended up seeing another herd of elephants. Its rare to see 3 herds of elephants in a day! It was beautiful to see the forest and wished I could just sit in a tree to watch all the animals all day. The next day we had to get up early to make our trek to the Himalayas. The car ride was another long one! On the way to Neora Valley, we got to see tea gardens and how tea is made. We continued our trip and made another few stops. We ended up stopping at this river and taking pictures for awhile. I climbed up this huge rock and was so scared but once I got on top it was so worth it! Then I was the crazy girl who went in the river and took so pictures. It was so cold but so worth it! Then after that little stop, we were almost there. Surprise! Our car got a flat tire and we had to walk the rest of the way there. The walk was lovely after being stuck in the car for a while! The himalayas are surely beautiful. We got cut loose to explore the mountains by ourselves and we ended up going up a dried up waterfall. I fell into a snake pit! JK JK. Anyway, we headed back for tea and then dinner later on.
The next day we went on a walk to a waterfall. It was gorgeous to see and the video is of me at the waterfall. After our walk, we ended up going to Lava(the nearby town) and visiting a buddhist moneastry. It was breathtaking and cold! The work that goes into those places is amazing. I ended up buying some buddhist prayer beads. This blog post is getting long, so this is what I have for you guys and I hope you enjoyed reading!

I hope you enjoy the video...I don't know the quality so bear with me!

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