Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey Everyone!

Hi, welcome to my blog about the big ol'adventure I'm about to have. I'm going to be studying abroad in India and I leave in less than 3 weeks(18 days to be exact). I'm excited and nervous to be embarking on this journey. This is the inaugural program to Kolkata for my university. We are the brave ones for going into the unknown;we are really forging our own paths.
This trip will be an amazing experience. I can't wait to see the sights, hear the sounds and smell the smells. Our college has some amazing things planned for us and I can't wait to go. We will be living with host families in Kolkata and going to Saint Xaiver's College.
I hope you are ready for the journey. I have so much to share and I hope that you will share this experience with me. I'm getting ready to leave my home of 21 years for a far and distant place. I'm leaving the cold for the warmth of a tropical climate. A culture that is not my own but one that I cannot wait to learn about. I will be writing here to keep you updated and as a way for me to document my experience. I'm ready to buckle my seat belt and enjoy the bumpy ride!

1 comment:

  1. cool! best of luck, i've been to St. Xaviers (my cousins went there) - have a fabulous time and post EVERYTHING! pictures, reactions! stay safe and have fun!
